My First Bloggy land Award!

Hey everybody, I just won my first bloggy land award from Sue at Beach Bungalow!    Sue was my first follower and has helped  me along on this wonderful journey of blogging! Thanks sue for this award!  You can go take a peek at her lovely blog.         

In accepting this award I must:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded me this.
2. Share 8 things about myself.
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers I've recently discovered.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about their awards.   

Here are 8 Kim facts:

1. I married my best friend and we will be celebrating # 24  in a couple of months.

2. I have 3 lovely daughters named Charity, Faith and Hope. (No I am not a hippy! Lol)

3 With names like that you can guess that I love the bible and have a strong faith in Jesus.

4. I love to travel and have been to some places where I have literally prayed "God don't let me die here!" lol.

5. I've travelled to some places where I have prayed "God I could die here"!

6. After 28 years of swearing we would never get a dog, my daughter Faith walked in the door with a puppy...and I was smitten! He is a long haired chihuahua named Butters and I heart him!

7. I love to live by the water. My parents and their parents and so on...were all born on a small island in the atlantic.

8. I love to blog and am so impressed with the giftedness I see everyday here in blogland!

Now I need to give this award to 8 others. You can check them out too!

AKA Design
Fern Creek Cottage
Shells Shabby Shack
And Then There was Home
Sweet as June
Desire to Decorate