Happy Saturday everyone!
Hope you're all enjoying your weekend. It's raining cats and dogs here, but I'm not minding it as it's melting whats left of the snow and reminding me that spring is on it's way!
I decided to add a little bit of spring in the kitchen and breakfast nook and show you a couple of thrift finds.
Here is a lovely green wreath up on the shelf with my ironstone, it really pops against the white,
This is my first find. It's perfect for my lemon and limes that I keep in abundance and use constantly!
This little wire basket cost me $3.03 at GW! Yes, they've started adding these funny little prices to things.
Along with being great for cooking, drinking and cleaning,
they also help to add a little brightness to the kitchen.
I like the look of this old wooden handle.
Loving how the green really brightens up the space and makes it feel clean and fresh, just like spring!

Couldn't help but share this candle I got from paddywax. It's jasmine scented and so fragrant! It's green too! Lol.
This is one of two topiaries I keep in the kitchen.
Loving all the freshness of it. See these cupboard doors? They will be painted once the weather gets a little warmer and I'm able to do the work in the garage. Can't wait, I've been thinking about it for 5 years now! After seeing so many of your lovely painted cupboards I am going to take the plunge!
Thanks for stopping by!
Be blessed!