Family pics with the new lens...

Hello everyone!
I hope you're all enjoying the weekend!

Some of you have asked about my new camera lens, it's a Nikkor 55-300mm DX  VR11.
I started with the kit lens 18-55mm  that came with my Nikon D90 and have been waiting for the day to add  this new one.
One of the exciting things that have come along with blogging is a passion for photography and although
I am such a novice right now I look forward to growing in this new found love of mine.

I've taken a few pics of my daughters with this new lens and decided to share some of them with you.

 These first few pics are of my middle daughter Faith. The fact that I was able to take any pics of them was a miracle as they don't like to get their pics taken...especially by Mom for some reason! Lol.

By now she had  had enough.

This is my youngest daughter Hope and she allowed me one pic and that was it. She then said her lips looked  purple so I changed it to black and white...sigh

This is my eldest daughter Charity, (the back side of her anyway! Lol) with Butters trailing behind.
We decided to enjoy the day by  taking a walk along the beach which is just down the road from us.

If you're a dog walker, you don't need to ask what's in the bag!

There is nothing like the sound of waves slapping up onto the shore. Both hubby and I come from a long line of Islanders and we both find the sound healing in some way...we're blessed to have it so close to home.

Butters loves it down by the beach, leash off, wind blowing through his fur and  he is in his glory!

Love this pic of Charity and Butters walking side by side.

Since we're here, I couldn 't help but show a pic of hubby, yes it is a little blurry but don't blame the lens!
This is how you'll find  hubby a lot of the time. Listening to worship music and or a preaching message, yes he can do both...don't know how but he calls it "multitasking"! Lol.

I thought if the girls could bare it so could I! Lol.
Looking forward to sharing more pics with you all.

Thanks for stopping by.