Peony love...

Hi  everyone!
Just wanted to share my beautiful white peonies with you!

Aren't they lovely?
What could be better than a bouquet of beautiful scented peonies...other than hydrangeas, cabbage roses, tulips in the spring, lol.

They look great in any container but especially nice in a large vintage ironstone pitcher.

These are one of the first perennials I ever planted.
I had them for about ten years in our old house and when we moved to our current home five years ago, I dug this little lady up and brought her with me.
It took a couple of years for her to get used to her new home but she turned out spectacular this year.

The scent is simply amazing and it brings back so many memories of early summers when my kids were young.

I usually get a couple of bouquets out of her every year. 

I try to leave some blooms left on the plant so the neighbors can enjoy them too.
I also heard that you shouldn't cut all the blooms off, not sure on the rationale behind that though.

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share my peonies with you!
Hope you all have a blessed week!