Feeling hot, hot, hot?

Is everybody feeling the heat today?

We reached temperatures of 38 C with a humidex of 47C.
For my stateside friends that 100.4 F with a humidex of 116F! (Had to google that!) lol.

I know this heat wave is happening all over.

Hoping that you all are finding ways to beat the heat.

One great way to beat the heat is to stay hydrated.

Some sparkling fruit juices with tons of ice and fruit sounds great!
I found six of these mason jar mugs at the thrift store.
They go well with our summertime refreshments.

Hope is enjoying some refreshment and then a dip into the lukewarm pool to cool off! Lol.

Hoping you are all enjoying your summer!
Ill be announcing a  giveaway to celebrate 1000 wonderful blogging friends!
Stay tuned!

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