My yellow ware find...

Hello everyone!
I hope you're all enjoying and are revving up for the season that is about to come upon us!
For my American friends, you'll be gearing up for Thanksgiving, but we Canadians have long since celebrated that Holiday and are looking forward to the craziness and hustle and bustle of Christmas! (Well some of us eh?) lol.
In the meantime...
 I Just wanted to share with you my beautiful yellow ware bowl that I found at value village last week.

I found this little beauty peeking out at me from the back of a shelf. At 13.5 inches wide who could miss her?
I thought this must be a reproduction yellow ware bowl otherwise what would it be doing here selling for $4.99?

I grabbed it  before anyone else could realize the colossal mistake they made by walking past this lovely lady and knew right away that this wasn't any reproduction!
It was a genuine T.G. Green, Gripstand yellow ware bowl from the 1930's in perfect shape!

Would I have liked it any less if it were a reproduction?
No, but knowing that this bowl has been around for eighty plus years and has graced the kitchen of a few generations makes it a little more special.

I'm happy to have her stay with me in my kitchen for a while!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit,
will be seeing you soon with some lovely Christmas inspiration!

Blessings to you!