
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Painted IKEA bookcase...

Hi everyone. Well, It took me a few days but I finally finished this project (my back can only handle so much painting! lol)
Thanks for giving me your suggestions for which wallpaper to use. I think  almost everyone chose the blue damask which had been my favourite too. As you can see, I added the wallpaper to the back of the bookcase to give some added colour and pattern. It will also make any white I may place there pop. And I do like white you know!
I was originally looking for some extra storage space for my linen and had these two ikea bookshelves in my basement. I thought they wold look great with a coat of paint on em first.
I then came up with the bright idea of placing them in my family room. I needed some extra shelf space to put all my junk from too much thrifting little treasures.

Isn't it pretty?


You can see here from an earlier post that I had my round mirror hanging in that corner. Because there is a heat vent behind the sofa, the sofa needs to come away from the wall about a foot. This leaves a bit of dead space on either side of the sofa/window that needed to be filled with something!

This is what the bookself looked like before paint. I actually like this colour of stain but I find it hard to leave things unpainted!

After painting, I gave a light sanding to add a little distressed look. With the pretty wallpaper I didn't want the bookshelf to look too " precious".

Yes I know, my blue pinecones again, but they smell so pretty and and are so lovely to look at!

I've also added some of my beadspreads to the bottom shelves. The colours work so well and it's always nice to have some warm blankets on these cold winter nights.

In this pic, you can really see the wallpaper.

Here you can see the before and after together. Looks like I have more painting to do! Uggh!

It actually looks so cozy in the room and I'm so pleased to have all this extra space for my junk  treasures!

Thanks for stopping by, I do enjoy your visits!

I'll be partying with these ladies this week:

Domestically SpeakingThe Shabby NestWhisperWood Cottage
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Looks spectacular, and I love the pinecones!

  2. Looks really nice, Kim.

    What does the S stand for?


  3. it sure is PRETTY!! what pretty background you chose too!

  4. I'm so glad to have found your blog...gorgeous, gorgeous. I HAD to whip through all of your archives...just love it. Adding you to my sidebar blogroll! I see you're from ON - my grandma was born and raised in Belleville so there is a special place in our heart for that home!

    chat soon - stay warm!

  5. You have done a wonderful job! It looks fantastic!

  6. Oh my the bookcase looks so good have to get that other one painted because you just do!LOL You made it look great filling with your goodies and I especially love the idea of the wallpaper backing. Terry

  7. Hi Kimberly!
    Just came across your blog from WW and fell in love so much I had to join your groupies. :))

    The bookcase is stunning! Love the wallpaper choice and the distressing. Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing.


  8. I love the big, mercury glass type lamp! So pretty!! I love all the white but do things get dirty? I'd be afraid that in my house the white wouldn't stay white for more than 2 seconds ... I do have a toddler, one dog, and two cats... and the hubby. :)

  9. It looks GREAT. I love visiting your blog.
    Have a great day!

  10. The shelves, or shelf so far, turned out beautiful, and they add a ton of coziness to the room! Fantastic job

  11. I love it! Your bookshelf looks so pretty with white paint and the damask wallpaper. It goes perfectly in your beautiful room!

  12. Very pretty! I love the molding at the top of the bookshelves, and the wallpaper looks great!

    Now, get to work on the other one!

  13. Perfect! Love the damask wallpaper and blankets! Great way to fill that space! I took a few design classes and they always stressed adding height in a room. You're family room is so cozy and beautiful! I just want to hug! Good stuff :D xo ~Michelle

  14. Love-love-love it-The damask in that coloration is simply divine-how elegant yet serene!

  15. It looks fantastic painted - you can especially see the difference paint makes in the photo with the unpainted one on the other side. The white looks so light and pretty.

    I'm curious as to where you got such a small amount of wallpaper as I want to do the same thing in the open shelves in our kitchen, but don't want to spend a fortune buying wallpaper when I only need a small bit.

  16. Your bookcase looks gorgeous!


  17. I love the colors in that room, so peaceful! It looks great and I hope you don't work too hard painting the other one :)

  18. SOOO pretty! I love the wallpaper inside. Great idea to add storage to your space! BTW where did you get those pine cones? They are really cool. <3 Paula

  19. It looks amazing. Makes me want to go out and buy some Ikea bookcases.

  20. Ikea never looked so are so talented!! x0 Oh and I love the paper!

  21. Awesome! You definitely have an for design!
    Susan : )

  22. Oops...I meant to say, you have an eye for design!

  23. Beautiful! love the wallpaper you chose!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This is sooo lovely! what a brilliant idea! i think im gonna try this on my bookshelves in the office! Thank you for the great idea! :)

    xoxo Inna

  26. Kim it is gorgeous and I love the blue that you chose!! I might have to steal and borrow this idea too for my daughters room. I have an Ikea book shelf that I bought a while ago and the back is coming off of it. I just may have to fix it up for her new room!! Your room is so pretty and I could sit and in there for days as long as you don't mind stepping over me!! :)
    Have fun painting!!

  27. Kim,

    You are killing me with this project!!! I was JUST staring at the very same IKEA shelf in my basement wondering what it would look like painted but not wanting to paint it 'cause it still looks nice with the stain.

    Yours looks SO GOOD, with the white and the wallpaper. I'm glad you chose the blue it adds a sweet pop of colour.

    Did I say love yet?


  28. I love it- it looks so amazing! Where did you get the wallpaper?

  29. I love them...I just bought shelves from Target, just the post I needed to see! Thanks for sharing and by the way I love those blue pinecones!

  30. it's a gorgeous transformation! you should, be VERY proud! (Now..where's my paintbrush??):)

  31. love them! love love love the wallpaper detail!! love love love all your "junk"!!

    thanks for the inspiration!!


  32. Love it! I have a bookcase in all my mess called a garage....It needs some of your TLC!

  33. Gorgeous! The wallpaper is the perfect touch!

  34. Love it! The wallpaper in the back looks great. And, I love the blankets on the bottom. Soft texture and very practical.

  35. Love your style! So nice to meet another Ontario-ian (is that a word?) Just signed up to follow; thanks for all your inspiration.

  36.'s just beautiful Kim...I love it! You have inspired me for a future project! ~Deb~

  37. Love it and your wonderful style! I want to paint everything in my house now....

  38. I love the new look. I wouldn't be a fan of having to paint another one either, but the end result will be worth the trouble.

  39. Um, LOVE!!! AND you've given me inspiration for those two hulking black bookcases in my living room!!!! Someone had suggested painting them blue like the armoire...but that would be too much of a good thing! And I thought painting them just white wouldn't quite be right either. Better, but not quite, 'it'. BUT, a blue and white wallpapered back would tie it all together. You rock!

  40. Sah-weet! I agree, the shelves fill in the space nicely, and offer a great opportunity to show off your treasures...

    You're part of my first 'Three for Thursday' today...I'm featuring 3 of my newest favorite bloggers each Thursday...just love your style!

  41. Coming over from cottage instincts -- I am your newest follower!! :)

  42. I LOVE this! I love decorating with white, it's so fresh and clean.

    It never occurred to me to paint my Ikea bookcase. I guess that's why YOU have a decorating blog and I don't, lol! I have added you to my reader and can't wait to see more!

  43. It looks wonderful!!! Perfect for your inviting room!

  44. Hi Kimberley! This is my first visit to your blog and I just read through the whole thing. Needless to say, I love it! I'll be following along. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  45. Kimberley, these bookshelves look fantastic! I love the wallpaper. Your whole living room is just beautiful.

  46. Cindy sent me over...I LOVE YOUR BOOKCASE! Putting the wallpaper on the back was the perfect touch! Hugs and Blessings! ~Cheryl

  47. Beautiful blog!!!! Love everything you do. So glad to have found you via Cottage Instincts.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I just came across yr blog, and happy I did!
    I love the bookcase!

    I want to replace by bedside table with a bookcase -- i just have to have my guy figure out how to make a cut so I can still get to my alarm clock, ha!

    He built the 2 we have in our BR now, but I'm so tired of matching stands!

  50. Love the bookcase! Can't wait to read more of your blog! Have a great weekend!

  51. Oh my goodness!! I LOVE it! It does look very cozy there in the corner. :)
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  52. Love what you did! It looks great and nicely styled as well. Glad to have stumbled across your blog, added you to my Canadian blog roll!

  53. Stunning! Thanks so much for linking up at WhisperWood Cottage!!

  54. Thanks for your comment on my door headboard, because I just found your site and I'm in LOVE! Please keep up the great ideas and stunning pictures!

  55. love it! i didn't realize you're not on 'my daily reads' list - i'll add you!!! :)

  56. Your bookshelf update looks really nice! All the papers you had were really pretty but that blue looks great in your room!

  57. just looks lovely - well done - fine effort :) le xox

  58. This is my first visit to your blog - your living room is beautiful, and I love the bookshelves painted!

  59. I just love how that room looks with the painted bookcases. Just beautiful! I'm stopping by from Air your Laundry party at Freckled Laundry.

  60. What a great paint job! I have a big book case I'm going to get busy on! I love the idea of the wallpaper in the back! Beautiful!


  61. It doesn't even remotely look like the same piece! You did a great job with it. What a pretty room!

  62. ConGrats! on the Whisperwood feature !! lovely!
    and reading thru this makeover gives a lot more background - thx !! it's GorGeous!!

  63. Really nice job. Good choice painting it given your decor. Love the finish and the damask wallpaer... well done!

  64. LOVE the bookshelf and your entire space. Just beautiful!

  65. Love It, Love It, Love It!! The paper you used is perfection!

  66. What is the blue color in many rooms of your house?? It's amazing!! (Maybe this has been answered elsewhere?)

    ~Abby :)

  67. GORGEOUS! New to your blog and having a look around. I love it already!

  68. So inviting.. I just want to sit on your sofa!

  69. Gorgeous bookcase! Love the color of your wall. What color is it?

  70. Hi Kim,

    Sent you an email earlier today. Finally found your blog. Thanks again for the info on the wallpaper. Keep up the great work.! Love it !


  71. Very great interior work,, your blog is very attractive Such kinds of blogs are my favorite one thanks a lot,, I have also found great painting company through Google have a look on it
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  72. There’s also plenty of design process explanations, but most seem to be aimed at advanced artists and often resemble the image above.
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  73. The expertise of those who painted the bookcase made the house more elegant.


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