
Saturday, June 4, 2011

New old shelf...

Hi everyone!
Hope you're all enjoying the weekend!

I wanted to show you a little project I've been working on.

I got this little shelf a couple of years ago at flea market booth for ten dollars and it's been sitting in my basement waiting to be used.

I didn't know what to do with the blank space above our massive, hulking TV.  It was missing something and the room didn't seem balanced to me.

You can see the space somewhat in this old pic.


So I got hubby to hang it up, I'm kinda liking it!

Whadda you think?

Thanks for dropping by today and be  blessed!


  1. Looks like you found a great spot for your shelf. Love the lantern.

  2. Looks great! Where did you get the lantern????

  3. Kim, your home is so beautiful and the little shelf fits in perfectly! I love the pretty display on top too.


  4. It looks great! I hate our big old t.v as well and wished it was in a cabinet with doors.~Cheers Kim

  5. I think your shelf looks great there, Kim. Love the tv stand too. The accessories are perfect, especially for summer. We got our first huge-o flat screen a few months ago and love it and have it on an old buffet in the family room. Just no room for the boxes.

  6. love it and love your room.
    i too have been thinking how to make our tv not look so 'in your face!'
    great idea.

  7. It looks good, I just got done finally with the kitchen... and blogger has been not working right on my end, Your home always looks amazing Kim hope your having a good weekend


  8. I love how bright and cheerful your home always looks! I like the shelf too!

  9. I think it looks great. I like that your eye floats up to the shelf and not just the "massive" tv (I have one of those massive tv's myself, so I can say that) :)

  10. I love it and I love all your sea treasures! We have a shelf above our massive TV as well and it works so well to even out the room. The drift wood boat is perfect and did you make the monkey knot? Love that other little boat too, so cute!!

  11. LOVE it Kim!! I love the way that whole area looks! Martina

  12. Super Cute... I love your whole vignette. I am a new blogger and a follower of yours.. Hope you will come take a look at my blog and do th same.

  13. It's hard to work with tv screens, and you've done a great job!

  14. Absolutely lovely :)

  15. I've just passed on the Versatile Blogger Award to you. Do with it as you wish!:) (I was told to tell 7 things about myself and then pass it on to 7 blogs I've recently discovered.)

  16. It looks great!! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Looks like you have found a perfect spot for your thrifty find!! It looks great!!

  18. New follower here, Kim! I love what you did with your shelf--such a great use of that space.

  19. It looks great! What a find Kim!

  20. Have the same problem, even with a cabinet....
    I love the shelf. Perfect. It draws the attention away from the tv.


Thank you all so much for taking the time to leave a comment! Ilove reading each and every one.